Taglist plugin screenshotsScreenshot 1Environment: GUI Vim 7.0 running on a MS-Windows XP system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a C language file are displayed.
Screenshot 2Environment: Console Vim 7.0 running in a MS-DOS command window on a MS-Windows XP system.Description: A vertically split taglist window showing tags defined in a Java, C++ and HTML files.
Screenshot 3Environment: Console Vim 6.1 running in a MS-DOS command window on a Windows 98 system.Description: A horizontally split taglist window (Tlist_Use_Horiz_Window = 1) is used. The tags defined in a assembly language file are displayed.
Screenshot 4Environment: GUI Vim 6.1 running in a Windows 2000 system.Description: A vertically split taglist window on the right side (Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1) is used. The tags defined in a java language file are displayed.
Screenshot 5Environment: Console Vim 6.1 running over a telnet connection to a Unix system using a putty telnet client from a MS-Windows system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a PHP language file are displayed. The prototype of a function is displayed in the Vim status line area.
Screenshot 6Environment: Console Vim 6.1 running in a Xterm in a Unix system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a perl language file are displayed.
Screenshot 7Environment: Console Vim 6.1 running in a cmd window in a MS-Windows 2000 system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a fortran language file are displayed. The prototype of a function is displayed in the Vim status line area.
Screenshot 8Environment: GUI (Motif) Vim 6.1 running in a Unix system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a python language file are displayed.
Screenshot 9Environment: GUI Vim 6.1 running in a MS-Windows 2000 system.Description: The taglist plugin is used along with the file explorer plugin as part of the winmanager plugin. A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a cobol language file are displayed.
Screenshot 10Environment: GUI Vim 6.1 running in a MS-Windows 2000 system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a verilog language file are displayed. Instead of tag names, the tag prototypes are used in the taglist window (Tlist_Display_Prototype = 1).
Screenshot 11Environment: GUI Vim 6.1 running in a MS-Windows 2000 system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a ruby language file are displayed. The taglist window is enlarged using zoom-in feature. Also the help text is displayed in the taglist window.
Screenshot 12Environment: GUI Vim 6.1 running in a MS-Windows 2000 system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a verilog language file are displayed. The tags are sorted by name. The default is to display the tags in the order of appearance in the file (Tlist_Sort_Type = "name").
Screenshot 13Environment: GUI Vim 6.1 running in a MS-Windows 2000 system.Description: A vertically split taglist window is used. The tags defined in a verilog language file are displayed. Some of the tag groups are folded.